Wednesday, 25 February 2015
No Sugar No Grain
Cutting out or dramatically reducing sugar and grain seemed like a good idea to me so I've given it a try.
I've been doing it for one week. I'd like to say that I felt different the first few days and then feel wonderful now but I feel mostly the same.
I've read up a bit on the benefits of not having sugar years ago and so my diet has always been low sugar so maybe that's why I don't feel much different. The biggest change in the last week is not having breakfast cereals, which I usually eat a lot of. I've been on holiday in the last week and so have eaten a large quantity of food without putting on weight so there is a small change. I think that if I'd been eating cereal I'd have put weight on.
I must hold my hands up and say I have still been eating fruits. I've done a bit of research on this and people are divided on whether fructose should be cut out. I think it shouldn't so long as you're not eating high sugar fruits such as bananas and you try to eat only 4 or 5 portions a day. I eat a lot of blueberries and apples. Fruit also has fibre and vitamins in. I also eat dark 85% chocolate, about 50g a day.
Here's an example of a breakfast I've just had:
-coconut flour, two eggs, honey and milk in a bowl in in the microwave for three mins.
My own invention. No sugar, no grain, but the honey might be sugar, my guess is that a little bit of honey is ok.
Then to finish off the breakfast,
Some seeds with 2 tablespoons of Greek FULL FAT yogurt. Low fat yogurt doesn't make sense to me.
As you can see from my breakfast, it's good that it's NSNG but I think, if you count the calories there's a lot.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Would you have eaten it?
Yesterday, on my normal commute run to work, there was a zip locked lunch bag with a sandwich in it. You're probably thinking no way not in a million years would i eat it but...
Let me say first, the bag was clean, very clean, the sandwich was intact, almost as though it was placed there. The Rural village was a posh village that i found it in. It also looked as though it had been home made by a women because it was neat, the turkey was cut straight, the tomatoes cut in small bits, a bloke wouldn't do that.
So did I eat it?
No, and I wish I did now. I just placed it back down on the pavement for perhaps the owner to reclaim it like a lost glove
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Podcasts for runners to listen to.
As a long distance runner I listen to podcasts when running. Over years of running I've listened to hours worth!
It’s taken me some time to find these podcasts and I thought it would be good to provide a summary of them for other fellow runners to use. Here's a list, each one is clickable:
Runners Academy (not been any recent ones)
Most of these podcasts can be downloaded as an MP3 first which is a good idea because if you stream it whilst on the run you’re using your phone data allowance. You can download it at home using the Wi-Fi connection.
If you're using an i-pod or i-phone then i-tunes is best.
If you're using Android then stitcher or Podcast Addict are good.