Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Shoe review Mizuno Hitogami.

I got some new shoes which are perfect for me. They are the new Mizuno Hitogamis.

The key features are

a cool midsole delivers lightweight, resilient cushioning.

Racing flat construction for a fast, low-slung ride. midfoot wrap for lockdown support.

Flat-bottomed last combined with low toe-spring for inherent stability.

Smooth forefoot rubber for optimal smoothness at touchdown in the forefoot.

Because they are racing flats I'm almost forced to land forefoot which means a softer landing. But there is cushioning enough to feel a bit of support. The hard plate also protects against any small rocks I land on. I raced a half half marathon in them on Sunday and I didn't notice or think of them at all so that's a sign of a good shoe. If you like to run light then go out and buy them.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Wrexham Half and a bit and a bit more for others

Wrexham Half and a bit and a bit more for others 5:47pm | Village Bakery Half Marathon FEB 16 2014

I did the Wrexham Half today. It had to be diverted due to flooding but one Marshall got confused and sent most people the wrong way. He tried to send me the wrong way too and I did go the wrong way for a bit, stopped, realised it was the wrong way and then went the right way again. All this happened before the 1st mile was over. I clocked it as 13.4 miles.

Most people went on the extended version and ended up doing about 13.8 or even more. Anyway, when I got home I wrote down all my mile splits, substituted the first mile for my average and cut the distance down to 13.1 miles. The result was an equivalent time of 72m08s.

I'm pleased with that time and if I had been running with some other competitors, I ran on my own, I may have gone quicker. Who's knows. I thing for sure is that I felt strong and it was a very good training run.

I was 6th overall and 2nd North Wales but all of that has to be ignored really because others may have been in front if they had not gone the wrong way.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Mentally strong running

I hear of some people who train MAFF, which is a training style of running slower all the time, and then when they race they just nail it because, they say, they don't forget how to run fast. There are other training plans out there too that are just unconventional but the work.

Is that because the training plans are better or because the trainees believe the plans to work? Do I go at my pace because I see what other people do and copy them (physical)? I wonder what pace I would do in a race if I'd never done one before and not seen anyone, other than me, run before (mental)?

I'm doing a 100k race in May and already I've looked at others and compared to find out what pace I should go at. Will this mentally cap what I might be capable of, who knows.

I think the great Steve Prefontane aka Pre never used to let other runners dictate his pace. He was A mentally strong runner.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Selected to run for Wales - My first

I got a letter yesterday asking if I'd run for Wales in the Anglo Celtic Plate 100km.

It didn't take me long to reply


There will be a team of three of us. 3rd May 2014 in Kent.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Thames Trot 50

Just a short blog as I'm ready for bed. I did the race today and was pleased at coming third but not really pleased with the time. The pace was slower as I had to navigate a lot. The route had to be changed completely because of all of the flooding along the Thames Path. I didn't know the area well and so found it difficult. I don't think I put the map away all day. The final route decided upon was given out on the morning of the race. The organisers did a brilliant job of rerouting and adapting the course so near to the start. It would have been easy for them to cancel, I'm so glad they didn't. About 60 percent was on the roads so I decided to wear road shoes but when it was on a trail I just kept on sliding everywhere ! Iceskating skills . I fell over a couple of times too. I'm hoping some day to do an Ultra that requires no navigation so that I can run at a faster pace. Maybe just around a track or a two, three mile loop would be good. Having said that though the route today was beautiful in parts.