Sunday, 7 December 2008

4 months, 19 days to go to Flora London Marathon.

Today's quote: "Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible. - Doug Larson"

But they were brave enough to try. Sometimes in life I think we need to just try without analysing things too much. God loves a trier; and maybe the people not smart enough to know they were impossible had God's help.

Today I did a local 10K called the Helena Tipping 10K. Ran a new PB of 34m 29s. I was actually hoping to go a bit faster but due to the ice I had to run a bit slower. To keep up the miles for the marathon training I ran home so actually covered 14miles today. Thanks to Adrian for taking my kit home for me.

The picture below is of some of my friends and me at the end of the race:I'm the one on the left in the above picture (the ugly one). From the left it's Geoff, Ian, Ian and Jonathan.

Above from the left: Adrian, Ruth and Yusef.


  1. Congrats on a new PB. I'm curious to what the course was like. You're definitely capable of running sub-34 for 10k with a 2:35 marathon PR. You did mention there was ice, so that probably cost some time.

  2. Yes it was icy but it didn't add too much time. I am capable of a faster time but I tend to do too many miles. I more suited to longer races.
