Tuesday, 21 September 2010

"Learn to run when feeling the pain: then push harder. -William Sigei". I don't agree wholly with today's quote but there you go.

Injury update.
- Self diagnose: Anterior medial tibial stress.
- Hurt in the night so swapped morning run for 80 lengths in the pool of swimming.
- Booked an appointment for Thursday at the physiotherapist.
- Ordered and paid for Aqua Running gear. This will help this small injury. I'll also intergate it into my usual training so that I'll be ready for the next injury, it also has other advantages other than injury rehabilitation.
- Spoke to staff at pool to ensure Aqua Running would be OK. It is.
- Bought Arnica anti-inflammatory oil to massage into the area.
- Taking ibrobufen.

This evening's run: I had a Tempo / Threshold run planned. Decided to run on grass and just do what I could. I ended up, amazingly doing the whole session. The shin seemed to stop hurting once I ran fast and on softer ground. Bonus! My plan now is not to run for 48 hours, keep on the ice, Arnica and only swim and cycle.

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