Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Quote and run

To a runner a side stitch is like a car alarm. It signifies that some is wrong but you ignore it until it goes away. Author unknown This quote is not always true I know but it does indicate how runners drive through pain. The other day whilst out on a run the top of my foot was hurting. It hurt even more when I stopped to loosen my lace. Then at the end of the run it hurt again. I think the body has a way of shutting out pain when you're in a stressful situation. Does this mean then that we are designed to be in a stressful world and finding a stress free environment actually causes us Pain?Maybe to a certain degree. Anyways though, I'm training hard at the moment for an ultra on 1st February so the taper will start and maybe the niggles will show Themselves! Bye for now.

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