Saturday, 1 February 2014

Thames Trot 50

Just a short blog as I'm ready for bed. I did the race today and was pleased at coming third but not really pleased with the time. The pace was slower as I had to navigate a lot. The route had to be changed completely because of all of the flooding along the Thames Path. I didn't know the area well and so found it difficult. I don't think I put the map away all day. The final route decided upon was given out on the morning of the race. The organisers did a brilliant job of rerouting and adapting the course so near to the start. It would have been easy for them to cancel, I'm so glad they didn't. About 60 percent was on the roads so I decided to wear road shoes but when it was on a trail I just kept on sliding everywhere ! Iceskating skills . I fell over a couple of times too. I'm hoping some day to do an Ultra that requires no navigation so that I can run at a faster pace. Maybe just around a track or a two, three mile loop would be good. Having said that though the route today was beautiful in parts.

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