Saturday, 7 May 2016

Sandstone Trail - Record attempt bank holiday Monday 30th May

There's an old path not too far from where I live called the Sandstone Trail. It's 34 miles long and the record for running it is 4h10m.

On 30th May 2016, all things well, I'll be trying to beat it.

Over the years I've run all of the path but I'm still worried about getting lost.

I'll be setting off from Whitchurch at 7am and hopefully finishing at around 11am. Luckily a friend is meeting me at the half way point to do the second half. My wife will drop me off and my Dad will pick me up at the end. I couldn't do it without their help. If anyone else is able to help I'd be really grateful. The most helpful thing would be to hand me water at any point you're able to.


Daniel Weston

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