Monday, 24 November 2008

FLM 26th Aril 2009. Hoping to achieve sub 2:35.
This morning I did an easy recovery run of 4 miles. Running home later. Listened to a preach on my MP3 player this morning (Last weeks Sunday morning service). One thing I remember was the preacher said "Don't be a victim of life, be a changer of life". This got me thinking about my own life etc. but it does also apply to running in some aspect. You can change the way you train not to become a victim to xyz (injury?) but to change to break a PB or to loose weight or some other goal.

Ran home in the evening. The wind was actually behind me for a change which was nice. 11.3 miles at 6m48s pace. My feet are still hurting from wearing tight spikes for the race on the weekend.

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