Sunday, 23 November 2008

North Wales Cross County League (3)

Well the race yesterday went better than expected at Bangor in the North Wales XC league. I came 11th and could have ran it faster if I started faster. I got stuck behind lots of people. The mud was unbelievable. I'm glad my Dad gave me his old spikes otherwise my flats would have been hopeless. The only problem with the spikes were that they were too tight. I've got two black nails now.

Results page:

This weeks training: Glad it's over! Wet and cold.
Sun 23 7am R 21.17 02:36:56 07:25

Sat 22 2pm !!! 7.23 00:47:22 06:33

Sat 22 2pm WU 2 00:00:00 00:00

Fri 21 6am R 4.04 00:28:56 07:10

Thu 20 6am RR 5.05 00:35:30 07:02

Wed 19 4pm R 11.23 01:18:30 06:59

Wed 19 6am R 4.01 00:29:35 07:23

Tue 18 7pm TS 7 00:00:00 00:00

Tue 18 6am R 6.06 00:43:03 07:06

Mon 17 5am R 10.31 01:12:00 06:59

This morning's run was hard. Planned to do 16 miles but ended up completing 21.17! Got a bit lost in Wrexham's industrial estate. With legs hurting from yesterday's run I did well to finish.


  1. Don't you hate that when you misjudge a route or get lost on your run. If I'm unfamiliar with the area then I usually end up doing an out and back.

    What do the letters stand for? I know WU is warm-up, but R, RR TS? I clicked on the links but I guess you have to register to view the info.

  2. R = regular
    RR = Recovery run
    TS = Track session
